Cork bark
Virgin cork
The cork-wood is called the renewable bark of the cork oak.
The peeling is done in the cycle of 9 years in the summer during the growing season. The quality of the cork wood depends on the age of the trees, on the location and the climate. The cork wood can grow up to 60 mm thickness per period. Cork wood is the basis for the generation of natural cork closures for the wine and champagne industry. (Hereinafter Apares) The produced large residual is further processed as granulate in the industry.
A small portion of cork wood is also used in the shoe industry, in mold decoration and as a high quality material.Als Korkholz bezeichnet man die nachwachsende Rinde der Korkeiche.
The cork is obtained from the first peeling of the cork oak.
A cork oak must be 25 years old before it is peeled for the first time. The average 200-year life of a cork tree there is only once a maiden bark. The cork grows after the first peeling after a cork wood. Its color is no longer green but gray dark brown and its surface is smooth from peeling to peel.
For technical or industrial processing Virgin bark is not suitable, but she is a very popular decoration material, for example:
Flower and pet shops
Model maker (cribs, railways, etc.)
Film and theater productionsand
much more.
Korken Schiesser GmbH offers the following standard program of Virgin bark on:
Virgin bark flat
Virgin bark around
Virgin bark flat, as plate 10 / 15mm (standard size 600x300mm)